Orcish Inn Wiki

Jukeboxes and Slot Machines Update[ | ]

The pre-alpha update was released on the 3rd August 2015.

Highlights[ | ]

  • Entertainment Satisfaction: there is a new satisfaction category called "Entertainment" which consists of three parts. The first one is called "Innkeeper" and increases, if you, the innkeeper, stands in one room with the visitors. The second one is "Music". You can build jukeboxes and find disks with certain qualities while your visitors want a minimal quality of the disks played in the tavern. The third part of the entertainment satisfaction is called "Slot Machine" and is dedicated to the new slot machines you can build. To make these machines function, you have to put a barrel in, which come in different editions. A clan wants a specific edition to be happy.
  • Jukeboxes: jukeboxes are available right from the start, but getting disks is harder. Sometimes, the hawker sells one, but they are mostly found here and there, like in a treasure chest. The Orcish Inn sound and music guy @headchant also made a new piece of music, which plays sometimes in the background. The new and the two old music pieces make three disks in total. Disks get scratches over time and therefore lowered in quality, so prepare for finding new ones. Not only your visitors profit from a high quality music disk: you as the player regain stamina while staying in a room with a playing jukebox, which also scales with the disk's quality.
  • Slot Machines: these new machines require a barrel to work. Barrels come in four editions, which define the types of symbols the slot machine can display. They are obsessed like the faucets and talk with you and the guests. Visitors play a round on a slot machine with a barrel fitting to their satisfaction and pay some money to you. The bitterness of the last beer drunk has an effect on their playing behavior: a higher bitterness increases the chance that they play a round, but also increases the aggression generated when they lose badly (one of the slot machine results lets the slot machine offend the player with a bad joke and visitors don't enjoy that). You can play too, but you also have to pay money as the slot machines are licensed from the hawker. Besides some rewards, your stamina will increase while playing.
  • Slot Machine Rewards: different rewards await, like getting money or reputation, or the slot machine forecasting the next weather. One of the barrels can also blow up your tavern. A specific combination is related to so-called reward boxes. They can be bought from the hawker. Only slot machines can open the reward boxes, so you have to play too, if you want to get to its contents. Some of them contain music disks alongside other stuff.
  • Slot Machine Addiction: playing comes at a cost besides money. For every round, a new instance of a negative addiction status effect is applied, which invites you to play over and over again to reset its timer. If the timer runs out, you can get a withdrawal effect, depending on how many instances of addiction you piled up (1 instance = 1%). The withdrawal effect will lower the satiation regeneration of food for some time, but it can be removed with a bottle of medicine.
  • Sound System: some of the sound effects are played with randomly adjusted volumes and pitches for more variety. The volume of sound effects depends on the distance now, so you don't hear the footsteps of visitors far away and they get louder when coming closer.
  • Memory Leak Fixes: The big memory leak some experienced is fixed and a bunch of crashes and bugs too. Sorry about that!

Changes[ | ]

  • ADDED jukeboxes and music disks (check the highlights for more information)
  • ADDED slot machines with barrels and reward boxes (check the highlights for more information)
  • ADDED a new music piece called "orc summer"
  • ADDED position-dependency for sounds (you don't hear footsteps and other sounds anymore if they are far away from your orc)
  • ADDED a new item (non-working "World Enlarger") and a rusty spoon dropped during pub brawls as well as a green blowfish available by fishing (all created by patrons as part of a Patreon reward)
  • ADDED a tutorial slide to make clear that running around with zero stamina or satiation isn't bad (until you perform some work)
  • ADDED sound effect variation via volume and pitch for more diversity in reoccurring sounds
  • CHANGED (weakened) how the current bed comfort affects the bed's price (now only the comfort of the bed type, not the actual comfort through decaying is relevant)
  • CHANGED the way pigeons pass skill points to their children (more skill points in general and higher dependency on the happiness and on the skill points the parents had)
  • CHANGED the news button from Playfield related stuff to notifying you about the new Orcish Inn wiki
  • CHANGED the item graphics for some of the beddings, now displaying the additional item used to craft them
  • CHANGED the amusement buffs for fishing to fishing related buffs with another icon and description (gameplay-wise, nothing changes)
  • CHANGED the name of the silver brass knuckles to iron brass knuckles
  • BALANCED (reduced) selling price of charcoal
  • BALANCED (reduced) the money price of furnitures
  • BALANCED (removed) fiber cost of bed, as crafting the bedding for it already costs fiber
  • BALANCED (reduced) Scholar's Fire sell price
  • BALANCED (increased) pigeon skill points at start from eggs dropped by small trees
  • FIXED a bug where a wrong quality was considered while opening container items like treasure chests
  • FIXED wrong quality calculation of the malt box' and wort boiler's products
  • FIXED an exploit where one could remove the dynamite from the stone pit and it still exploded
  • FIXED a memory leak
  • FIXED a crash caused by putting dynamite into the stone pit
  • FIXED a crash caused by the inventory interface
  • FIXED a bug where visitors payed nothing for staying a night
  • FIXED a bug where pigeons got stuck in breeding mode (ooooh what a shame for them!) if running out of stamina
  • FIXED a bug where furnace recipes for bread and fish didn't worked
  • FIXED misalignment issues with the cursor under certain circumstances
  • FIXED selecting an object while clicking on an item's quality level
  • FIXED strange interface glitches when a gamepad was plugged in
  • FIXED (centered) the brawl control hint (how to punch and block)
  • FIXED a minor graphic glitch in the hub book
  • FIXED a bug where music stopped playing for the rest of the game
  • FIXED a bug where item tooltips stopped being displayed after some seconds